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A call for action to ensure strong regulation of the financial sector to avoid environmental, social and governance risks

Across Africa, Latin America and Asia families are being forced off their land and rainforests razed to the ground – for projects backed by European money.Companies looking for land to grow crops for


ActionAid briefing on The Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

As part of the base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) process which was initiated in 201 3, the OECD was tasked to come up with recommendations on different areas of international tax standards. One


Promoting localised, women-led approaches to humanitarian responses – A Briefing Note

Briefing note outlining why ActionAid is committed to devolving humanitarian response from international to national and local levels, and why we and support women to take on leadership roles in

The wrong model for resilience

The G7-backed African Risk Capacity (ARC) drought insurance policy was an experiment that failed Malawi, and in particular its women, in the face of a drought that need not have become a disaster. The


Beyond caring: Enabling women’s leadership in disaster risk reduction by breaking down the barrier of unpaid care work

Women are crucial and necessary leaders in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and humanitarian response. However, a key challenge to realising women’s leadership of and participation in DRR is recognising


How can Humanitarian Organisations Encourage More Women in Surge?

Surge capacity is defined as the ability to scale-up (and down) resources smoothly and quickly, including getting the right people to the right places doing the right things in the shortest amount of

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How governments are failing on the right to education

This report presents important new findings on the right to education from citizen-led research in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Nepal. Unlike most such studies it is the product of research and


Charter of Demands: Actualizing women's land rights in Africa

The Kilimanjaro Initiative is a rural women’s mobilisation from across Africa towards an iconic moment at the foot of Mt Kilimanjaro in October 2016. The Kilimanjaro Initiative was conceived when, we

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Women's Leadership in Resilience

Changing weather patterns and rising temperatures are increasing the likelihood and severity of disasters, while the risks of violent conflict, human and animal epidemics, environmental degradation


People’s Power vs. Rising Inequality: Women stand together for change

As global inequalities rise, women continue to lose out - we know that eight men own as much as the poorest half of the world. ActionAid research introduces us to some of the women who make up this