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ActionAid’s Emergencies Policy

We recognise that the work of ActionAid sometimes places great demands on our staff in conditions of complexity and risk. ActionAid will take all reasonable steps to ensure the security and wellbeing


SUCAM: Critical Story of Change

The sugar industry is crucial to the regional economy of Western Kenya. The livelihoods of many poor out-growers depend upon it. This is the story of how SUCAM, a ‘campaign of ideas’ became a hugely


SUCAM: Critical Story of Change

The sugar industry is crucial to the regional economy of Western Kenya. The livelihoods of many poor out-growers depend upon it. This is the story of how SUCAM, a ‘campaign of ideas’ became a hugely


Love of the Heart: Critical story of change

For an international NGO to set about trying to satisfy the needs of Brazil’s 20 million people living in poverty would barely touch the tip of the iceberg of deprivation and social exclusion. Seeking


Bolangir to Hyderabad: Critical Story of Change

This is the story of people surviving almost unendurable lives as they work as migrants in India’s brick kilns. It is about those who strive to help them, and those who do harm. It is about how


Writing the Wrongs

In order to make the case for renewed commitment and investment there is an urgent need for governments to take new action on adult literacy. This document calls for action to “write the wrongs” in


Critical Webs of Power and Change

This booklet is intended for development practitioners, activist organisations and their supporters. It pulls together practical ideas and experiences from organisations involved in social justice and


ActionAid’s Dual Jobs Policy

Dual jobs require a staff member to be primarily recruited for an “original” job in one country where the majority (70% and more) of that person’s service would be rendered. The second regular job is


ActionAid’s Financial Management Framework 2005

This framework establishes the financial policies and standards (and procedures) for ActionAid International (AAI) and its Affiliates and Associates. The framework demonstrates AAI‟s concern for