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2012 ActionAid Annual Report – Main Narrative Report

Welcome to our Annual Report for 2012, in which we share the achievements and challenges of the first full year of our new strategy, People’s Action to End Poverty.Through a wide and innovative range


Give us a break - how big companies are getting tax-free deals

One of the main reasons developing countries are unlikely to achieve many of the Millennium Development Goals, and escape the persistent poverty that plagues even those poorer countries that achieve


Building and Governing a Democratic Federation: The ActionAid International Story

Ten years ago, ActionAid embarked on a journey that would change the organization profoundly. Through the creation of a federation where each country member participates equally in decision-making the


Fair shares: is CAADP working?

ActionAid, African Union Commission and ONE Campaign held a high level panel discussion as part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU).  The


How Tax Havens Plunder the Poor

Tax havens have recently become big news, as well as big business. But amidst all the scandals of ministerial Swiss bank accounts and celebrity tax avoiders, there has been much less discussion of the


Alternative investment models for county governments in Kenya

With this report, ActionAid Kenya analyses the current investment patterns/priorities of local budgets in Kenya and provide alternative models of investment for local and/or county governments in


ActionAid's Discussion Paper on Resilience

ActionAid believes that the indignity of poverty is a violation of human rights, arising from unequal and unjust power relations from the household to the global level. Poverty is not just about a


Impact of IMF loan to Kenya

A Study analysing Kenya’s Foreign Reserves and the Impact of the $$760 Million Loan (From the IMF) to Kenya’s Development.


ActionAid Rwanda Country Strategy Paper: Development based on Rights and Dignity

ActionAid uses Human Rights Based Approach as a programming model to tackle structural causes of poverty and injustice through empowerment, solidarity and campaigns. AAIR will work with partners using


Voices of hope and dignity for women smallholder farmers

A collection of amazing and inspiring stories of our work with women smallholder farmers in Rwanda.