The human right to education in the post-2015 development agenda
The 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly will see the launch of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon´s Special Report: A life of dignity for all: accelerating progress towards the Millennium
Action for Children's Rights in Education - Project Evaluation Report
The overall purpose of this evaluation was to assess the extent to which the Action for Children’s Rights in Education (ACRE) project has started bringing about anticipated changes, to examine which
Broken Promises
In 2014, the Swiss company Addax Bioenergy will begin exporting ethanol from a sugar cane plantation in Sierra Leone to the EU. This will be the first commercial quantities of biofuels to be exported
Plenary - Vote for sustainable biofuels
Recognise, Redistribute, Reduce the Women's Unpaid Care Burden
Unpaid care work refers to the work done in the home and in communities from preparing food, collecting firewood and water to taking care of children, the ill and the elderly. Women and girls living
Ending aid dependency through tax: emerging research findings
Aid continues to play an important role helping developing countries reduce poverty and inequality, and attaining global and national development goals. Though efforts to increase its quality and
2012 Annual Financial Report and Accounts
This report and the attached financial statements bring together the activities and financial position of all of the entities that work under the name ActionAid International.
Tax justice: the domestic perspective
This report is part of ActionAid’s ambitious project to debate, develop and propose strategies for development in a range of poor countries, from Nepal to Nigeria. These strategies aim to provide more
Tax Power - ActionAid's campaign explained
Recent months have seen a number of high profile exposés of the schemes big-name companies such as Google, Apple and Starbucks use to cut billions off their tax bills. The news has shocked a lot of
2012 ActionAid Annual Report – Main Narrative Report
Welcome to our Annual Report for 2012, in which we share the achievements and challenges of the first full year of our new strategy, People’s Action to End Poverty.Through a wide and innovative range