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Aid to, with and through the private sector: emerging trends and ways forward

 A thriving private sector that provides decent jobs and generates revenue is an essential component of a successful development strategy. International donors are currently very interested in


ActionAid Media Briefing - Illicit Financial Flows and Tax Avoidance in Africa

Illicit financial flows deprive Africa of billions of dollars each year, more than is received in overseas development aid or foreign direct investment combined.  Up to two-thirds of these illicit


ActionAid International Remuneration & Benefits Policy

This policy governs staff who work for the International Secretariat (IS) and whose contracts are administered by the IS Human Resources Team in Johannesburg, South Africa. For all other IS staff

Publication /

Stop Violence Against Girls in School

A lack of knowledge about violence against girls has hindered efforts to stop it. ActionAid’s 2013 Stop Violence Against Girls in School report is one of the first comprehensive studies to provide