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The Impact of Covid-19 Measures on Civil and Political Rights in Nine Countries

This ActionAid report presents a variety of perspectives from diverse contexts, showing how Covid-19 measures are undermining civic space and what needs to change.


ActionAid International 2020 Annual Report

This edition of the ActionAid International Annual Report provides an overview of our federation's work during 2020.


Promoting Rights in Schools: a participatory framework for citizen engagement in quality, inclusive public education

The 10 rights defined in this PRS framework describe what should be included in the approach of an ‘ideal’ school that offers quality inclusive public education and supports our work to secure and

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Free Palestine?

This Briefing Paper catalogues some of the main violations of international law committed against the occupied Palestinian population, with a focus on the duties of Israel in its role of Occupying


A review of the medium term revenue strategy process with a focus on civil society engagement and progressivity

This 2021 report looks at the Medium-Term Revenue Strategies of three countries that have published their strategies: Uganda [covering the period 2019/20 - 2023/24], Liberia [2018-2022] and Papua New

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Roadmap to a framework for the protection of climate migrants

This paper is an attempt to present a roadmap to develop a framework for the protection of climate vulnerable communities who are forced to cross borders. The roadmap is specific to the countries in

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The Public Versus Austerity: Why public sector wage bill constraints must end

Based on ground-breaking research our new report published with Public Services International and Education International exposes how austerity cuts in just 15 countries have blocked recruitment of

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Participation of local and international civil society in the Beirut Port blast response

This policy brief analyses the intervention in the immediate aftermath of the Beirut Port blast, drawing on the experiences of civil society organisations, humanitarian workers and women affected by

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Invisible women: A gender analysis of climate-induced migration in South Asia

New research exposes how women and children are disproportionally affected by climate migration, which puts them at greater risk of gender-based violence, child labour and exploitation.

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Reclaiming and Transforming Multilateralism: Towards a People's Multilateralism

Young people make up the majority of the world’s population. As they inherit multiple intersecting crises, it is essential that they are equipped with the knowledge and power to stand up for their