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Participation of local and international civil society in the Beirut Port blast response

This policy brief analyses the intervention in the immediate aftermath of the Beirut Port blast, drawing on the experiences of civil society organisations, humanitarian workers and women affected by

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Invisible women: A gender analysis of climate-induced migration in South Asia

New research exposes how women and children are disproportionally affected by climate migration, which puts them at greater risk of gender-based violence, child labour and exploitation.

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Reclaiming and Transforming Multilateralism: Towards a People's Multilateralism

Young people make up the majority of the world’s population. As they inherit multiple intersecting crises, it is essential that they are equipped with the knowledge and power to stand up for their

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Women’s rights to water and sanitation: elements of a joint action agenda

This policy brief identifies concrete steps policy makers can take to advance gender equality and the rights of women, girls, and trans and non-binary people through increased access to water

Manganese Matters

ActionAid and Dutch NGO Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO)’s new report, Manganese Matters, finds that the increased demand for manganese for batteries is posing a serious threat

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Democratising global governance and multilateralism

Despite significant advances in international commitments and national legislation, human rights are under attack in countries across the world. New research by ActionAid reveals the extent to which

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Bargaining for Better: Bringing a Feminist Lens to the Grand Bargain 2.0

The Grand Bargain, launched during the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016, as a unique agreement between humanitarian agencies and donors to reform and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of

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The ActionAid Tax Justice Reflection Action Toolkit

Our tax justice reflection action toolkit (TJ-RATK) is made to help empower communities to stand up for their rights.

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Mission Recovery: How big tech’s tax bill could kickstart a fairer economy

The world’s largest economies losing up to US$32 billion in annual tax revenue from Silicon Valley’s top five tech companies: Enough to vaccinate every human on earth.

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Not-their-lands: The land impact of Royal Dutch Shell's net zero climate target

As Royal Dutch Shell’s shareholders meet in The Hague for their annual general meeting, new analysis by ActionAid International exposes the fossil fuel giant’s net zero climate plans to keep polluting